Monday, October 7, 2013


EdX is a massive open online course (MOOC) platform founded by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University in May 2012 to host online university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines to a worldwide audience at no charge and to conduct research into learning. EdX has 1.2 million users. The two institutions have each contributed $30 million of resources to the nonprofit project. The prototype course, Circuits and Electronics, began in December 2011, through MITx.There are 29 schools that offer or plan to offer courses on the edX website.

In addition to educational offerings the project is utilized for research into learning and distance education by collecting learners' clicks and analyzing the data, as well as collecting demographics from each registrant.A team of researchers at Harvard and MIT, led by David Pritchard and Lori Breslow, recently released their initial findings.[8] Schools that are part of the edX consortium are also conducting their own research using data collected from their courses.[9] Research will focus on improving retention, course completion and learning outcomes in traditional campus courses and online.

EdX has engaged in a number of partnerships with educational institutions in the United States, China, Mongolia and India to utilize edX courses in "flipped classrooms

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